Yazigi Monkey

BLOND CAPUCHIN MONKEYS are rare to find. But, if you tootle playfully, in the northeastern part of Brazil… You just may discover those golden-haired gems! Being “Diurnal” is the secret ingredient for Blond Capuchins burst of energy as they stay awake during daylight. Now those creature folks know how to have banana-baked time🍌

Although some may consider Blond Capuchins to be lazy. It’s so not true, well not always. When on the quest for consumption of food, those monkeys scope high and low the fortresslike trees they’re presently occupying. Okay. If that’s a typical game plan to conquer HUNGER, then what path have Capuchins settled-on, when it comes to combating THIRST?  It’s been observed that fur-crazed beings will descend to the ground to quench their palate.

We be jumping from TREE TO TREE.

In the jungle we are FREE.

Yazigi Monkey

Blond Capuchin Monkeys knows a thing two, or three about tribes. Known & Shown to form groups of up to 40 crewmembers. Keeping the spirit of teamwork, they’re widely called, “ORAN GRINDER MONKEYS.” What’s that, you ask? Well, a looooong time ago, musicians would coast through a village, town or city playing a cool instrument, by the name of “Barrel Organ.” 

Being a Street Performer brings joy to many onlookers. However, the musician uses his/her talents for free. Having the desire to receive any kind of contributions, they would enlist the help of monkeys, to collect the coins given by the public. In return, I can only imagine the musicians paid their Furry Assistant with some sort of plantain dessert. #Yum

-Everybody C’mon. HOOKA HOOKA IKE IKE!

Yazigi Monkey

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