Originals – Aniimal https://ani-imal.com The Only ANIIMAL With 2 II's Mon, 03 Apr 2023 01:40:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Glowee Lightning Bug https://ani-imal.com/glowee-lightning-bug/ https://ani-imal.com/glowee-lightning-bug/#respond Thu, 12 Aug 2021 16:46:00 +0000 http://catchthemes.com/demo/fotografie/?p=13 Continue readingGlowee Lightning Bug

Human faces are very powerful. User Experience designer Aarron Walter describes in his book Designing for Emotion why we appreciate human faces so much. He explains that we are constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. Familiarity gives us a feeling of comfort and reassurance.

When we see a face, we are automatically triggered to feel something or to empathize with that person. If we recognize content on a website — such as a problem, dilemma, habit or whatever else — we feel connected and understood.

Since we know ourselves so well, we unconsciously try to relate everything we see to ourselves. Obviously, we do that with other human faces, but also with when there are no human features involved. Only the recognition of our body’s proportions in a design is enough for us to perceive the design as being familiar and harmonic.

This is the reasoning behind headless mannequins. We subconsciously take what is on display and substitute ourselves for the mannequin due to the lack of ‘human’ in the image.

So faces add a human touch to your website – they help you trigger your emotions, which make them a powerful design element. Here are 10 effects human faces can have on your visitors.

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Rita Cheetah https://ani-imal.com/rita-cheetah/ https://ani-imal.com/rita-cheetah/#respond Tue, 10 Aug 2021 16:41:00 +0000 http://catchthemes.com/demo/fotografie/?p=5 Continue readingRita Cheetah

Human faces are very powerful. User Experience designer Aarron Walter describes in his book Designing for Emotion why we appreciate human faces so much. He explains that we are constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. Familiarity gives us a feeling of comfort and reassurance.

When we see a face, we are automatically triggered to feel something or to empathize with that person. If we recognize content on a website — such as a problem, dilemma, habit or whatever else — we feel connected and understood.

Since we know ourselves so well, we unconsciously try to relate everything we see to ourselves. Obviously, we do that with other human faces, but also with when there are no human features involved. Only the recognition of our body’s proportions in a design is enough for us to perceive the design as being familiar and harmonic.

This is the reasoning behind headless mannequins. We subconsciously take what is on display and substitute ourselves for the mannequin due to the lack of ‘human’ in the image.
So faces add a human touch to your website – they help you trigger your emotions, which make them a powerful design element. Here are 10 effects human faces can have on your visitors.

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Avion Chameleon https://ani-imal.com/avion-chameleon/ https://ani-imal.com/avion-chameleon/#respond Sun, 08 Aug 2021 16:55:00 +0000 http://catchbiz.com/?p=5265 Continue readingAvion Chameleon


The Red-Letter grounds of Yemen & Saudi Arabia, are the forefathers of one glorious reptile. PIEBALD VEILED CHAMELEONS. Traveling through the Arabian Peninsula isn’t the only way you can behold such a creature. Widely scattered about in a great number of valleys ‘n deserts. Veiled Chameleons enjoy a tropical environment. Surprisingly, they prefer to keep cooler in the day and warmer in the night. With a day humidity level between 30-50%. And night humid temps in the range of 80-100%. 

ACROPHOBIA — The fear of heights. Well, Veiled Chameleons are brave in the sense that the scaly-skinned buds are “Arboreal.” Meaning they makeshift trees into being their homes. Tall, towering mountains and plateaus. The Chameos may climb higher altitudes of approx. 3,000 feet elevated above sea level. Five digits   

rabian Peninsula are the PIEBALD VEILED CHAMELEON originate from the Andeas Mountains in South America. “Spectacled” was coined as a name for this group of bears, because of their ring-like facial markings and the rare similarity it shares with actual eye-wear. Specs, get it! Another bodily characteristic for Spectacled mammals are their contrasting limbs. The hind legs are shorter than the forelegs. And as a result, they’re known to be excellent tree climbers!

Being “Arboreal” mostly involve the bears to comfortably dwell in trees. Creating a nest for both eating & sleeping is performed by the Spectacled Bears, as they bend tree branches while using other natural material. Including leaves. Speaking of grub, they’re dietary consumption roughly involves a portion of 5% meat. Making them to be secondary vegetarians with Panda Bears holding the number 1 spot! Being “Omnivore” shapes their appetite to consist of: Berries, Cactus, Fish, Flowers, Grass, Leaves and Miniature Rodents. For an extra bit of protein, Wildlife Spectacled Bears ripoff tree bark to eat insects that are found within. Animal Keepers are acclaimed to make an “Ice Popsicle” filled with fish + fruit to aid a cooling sensation during the summer / hotter climate.

I’m getting ready for LUNCH.

I’ll have s’mores to CRUNCH.

Kuba Bear

Ahhhh ~ Aroma Therapy! Spectacled Bears are really into smelly stuff— but in a good way though! Enrichment Items such as: Extracts, Fragrances, Perfumes, Spices and Scents, are widely used by Animal Keepers; offering the bears’ to partake in the delighted odor pleasantries.

And while she looked at him she would sometimes put her hand hastily to her side with a short twitch of her fine lips and a knitting of her black, straight eyebrows like a flicker of angry pain or an angry thought on her handsome, regular features.

I’m The Best Bear In Town!

Kuba Bearplateau

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